Former Lab Members

Although no longer participating in ongoing lab related activities, former members have made a significant impact on the establishment and evolution of research lab, along with providing support for ongoing activities.

A woman wearing a black shirt and a white shirt is standing in front of a body of water.


A woman in a tie dye shirt is laying on a blanket in the grass.



A woman wearing a graduation cap and gown is holding a diploma.


A woman in a striped shirt is standing in front of a bush.


A woman is smiling in front of a purple background.


A man in a blue shirt is smiling for the camera.


A woman wearing glasses and a necklace is smiling for the camera.

Angeliki Altani

A woman wearing glasses and a sweater is smiling for the camera.

Elizabeth Gaudet

A woman with long red hair is smiling for the camera.

Lauren Tafford

A woman in a white jacket is standing at a podium with a microphone.

Chantal Labontê

A woman with short hair is smiling for the camera.

Katie Howard

A woman wearing a hat and a purple shirt is smiling.

Tracy Pham

A woman in a black shirt is smiling in front of a tiled wall.

Laura Gilmore

A woman with long brown hair is smiling for the camera.

Megan Pohl

A woman with blonde hair is smiling and wearing a purple shirt.

Anna Richardson

A woman with long blonde hair is smiling and wearing a black tank top.

Kincso Santha

A woman wearing glasses and a scarf is smiling for the camera.

Rachel ZukiwskY

A close up of a woman 's face with a gray shirt on.

Austin Lee

A woman with long hair is smiling in front of a christmas tree.

Kelsey Dean

A man in a blue shirt is smiling in front of a bookshelf.

Brody Hadfield

A woman is smiling while sitting at a table in a restaurant.

Michela Martinovich

A close up of a woman 's face with a smile on her face.

Emily Moore

A young woman with long brown hair is smiling in front of a bush.

Kirsten Mudler


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