Team news

Congratulations to mica pabia for winning the prestigious women and children 's health research institute graduate student award.

Congrats to Mica for winning the prestigious Women and Children's Health Research Institute Graduate Student award for her PhD project. 

We are so impressed by your hard work and excited to see this project take off!

Big congratulations to Emily for being ranked the top PhD applicant in the Psychological Studies in Education, and for receiving prestigious and competitive Doctoral Entrance Award ($21,000)!

We're eager to welcome Emily as an incoming PhD student in the AIDANLab in Fall 2024!

Congratulations and welcome ! emily ccombs is an incoming phd student in the aidan lab.

A picture of a woman with glasses and the words congrats alex

Congrats to Dr. Alex Newson who just completed her PhD at the University of Oregon! Her thesis was titled: Double Burnout: Exploring Autistic and Educator Burnout Among Autistic Educators in the United States. We're excited to see where you go next!

Congratulations Emma and Aden for successfully completing their undergraduate thesis and degree! You both have incredible futures ahead of you!

Congratulations to aden gagnon and emma derworiz
A congratulations card with a picture of a woman sitting at a table.

Congratulations Emily for successfully completing your Masters and being the highest ranked applicant in your doctoral program! We're  excited for you to join the AIDAN Lab as a PhD student!

Congratulations Nat for successfully completing your Masters! So proud of you!

Congratulations to nat for completing her med in special education
  • A man and a woman are giving a presentation in front of a large screen in a classroom.

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    Emma and Aden presenting Impression Management at the Harder Conference.

  • A man wearing a green hoodie with the word alliance on it

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    Kyle Flynn presents Campus Belonging: Video Walkthrough at the Harder Conference


Emma, Aden, and Kyle present at the Harder Honours Conference at the University of Alberta.

Emma and Aden presented "Exploring Camouflaging Experiences of Autistic Women Through the Lens of Impression Management".

Kyle presented "Campus Belonging: Video Walkthrough".

Emma and Aden win Best Presentation at the 2024 Harder Honours Celebration!!!

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