Christina is a Registered Social Service Worker finishing up a degree in the Disability Studies program at Ryerson University where she has won several awards for her commitment to advancing society's understanding of equality and inclusion. She also holds a BA in philosophy from the University of Guelph with an area of concentration in psychology. She dreams of pursuing a Master's degree if she can figure out a way to fund it. She has worked with and for the Autistic community for almost a decade fighting for disability rights and social justice for all marginalized groups. Ethics has been a passion of Christina's since she was a little kid and her Dad instilled in her a strong sense of right and wrong. Christina's roles within the lab include working as a Research Assistant for the Autism and Math Skills Meta-Analysis, Research Assistant and Advisory Committee Member for the study on Autistic Women and Camouflaging, and Advisory Committee Member/Co-investigator for the Autism and Thriving study. As a cis, straight, white woman who has had the privilege of pursuing post-secondary education, Christina acknowledges that her lived experience does not represent the diversity of Autistic experience or that of being a woman, and she strives to bring an intersectional perspective to all of her work through her theoretical teachings in school and by following the work of BIPOC and other multiple marginalized neurodiverse folks.
Kyle is a third year BSc student in the Honours Psychology Program at the University of Alberta. He began volunteering in the AIDAN Lab in June 2023 and will be writing his honours thesis under the supervision of Dr. Brown as part of his undergraduate degree. As an autistic person, Kyle has a passion for helping others on the spectrum, which he has done as a childcare worker and Taekwondo Instructor. Now he hopes to continue through autism research and helping his campus community with the AIDAN Lab. In his free time, Kyle is an avid weightlifter, composer, and writer, and can often be found doing those things in the company of his two cats.
Nat Raedwulf Pogue (she/they)
Nat Raedwulf Pogue is a queer Autistic, multiply disabled Learning Support Teacher living on Vancouver Island on the traditional territories of the K'omox and Liǧʷiɫdax̌w First Peoples. A teacher for over a decade, Nat holds a Master of Education in Special Education from Vancouver Island University under the supervision of Dr. Heather Brown. Her thesis research on Autistic teacher and student experience earned her the Reach Award and continues to be an area of research interest for her. A passionate champion for marginalized representation in public school, Nat was awarded the Prime Minister Certificate of Achievement for Teaching Excellence for her advocacy in 2024. She sits on a variety of committees dedicated to teacher professional development, disability justice and accessibility in school. Nat is excited to continue her involvement with the AIDAN lab and whole-heartedly believes in the necessary inclusion of Autistic voice and perspective in research about Autistic people.N
The University of Alberta is located in ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan) on Treaty 6 territory. We recognize and respect the history, languages, and cultures of the First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and all First Peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our institution.
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